Victoria Regional Rapid Transit Project

2009-2011; Project Value (Business Report Phase): $3.1 Million

Project Summary:

The Victoria Regional Rapid Transit Project (VRRTP) was created to develop rapid transit options that will provide a safe, convenient, reliable, attractive and green alternative to automobile travel in the Capital Region, beginning with connections to the West Shore. The first step was a data collection and planning exercise to examine current and forecast origin/destination travel patterns throughout the Greater Victoria area to ensure potential solutions were assessed in a broad regional network context. In a “clean-sheet” approach, key corridors and corridor segments were identified and evaluated against the origin/destination data for their potential to match people’s travel needs and increase transit ridership. Extensive public consultation and deeper analysis led to a future rapid transit network alignment supported and approved by all directly-affected municipalities in the Capital Region.

The project was a partnership of BC Transit, BCMoT and the Capital Regional District (CRD).

Activities: As a member of the project team and a working group containing representatives of all project partners, Jack Stuempel and Associates developed and implemented a comprehensive communications and stakeholder relations program that included:

Results: The level of general interest was somewhat weak during the project’s data collection stage. However, interest and awareness on the part of both media and the public grew as a result of the ongoing dialogue with stakeholders. Response was positive to the care taken to build a solid foundation for decision-making, using accurate data, securing input, and methodically applying sequential logic, while maintaining coordination with various plans and studies affecting transportation in the Capital Region.